Ohh My Life #005 How To Actually Get Things Done.

Tested Effective From A Lvl 10 Procrastinator

Hello beautiful people! 🤘

(and welcome, my +1 new friends to Ohh My Life!)

I have to admit, “I procrastinate a hell lot!”

It’s so difficult - when you’re back from work (and tired) when you’re distracted by social media, and when that. I’m sure you feel the same too (which I hope you’re not).

Today, I’d like to share a powerful method to fight procrastination.

I’ve tried and verified. It’s really useful for a Level 10 procrastinator.

Experts call it The Implementation Intentions. I call it “Win Your Day”.

Here’s how you can win your day too.

  1. Write down all the tasks you need to get done. (best you already filtered out those less important & urgent - see The Eisenhower Matrix)

  2. For every task, write down WHEN, WHERE, and HOW you do the task.

  3. Put them down into your calendar and set reminders for each task.

  4. Track the days when you completed all tasks using a Habit Tracker (here’s the one I use)

Here’s my example.

Task 1: Go To Gym

WHEN: 8 am - 9 am (8 am alone is not enough; write down the exact time length)

WHERE: Apartment Gym

HOW: 20 mins jog + 3 sets of body strength exercises

But, what if I have something on at 8 am I can’t avoid?

Here comes our PLAN B!

I can do it after work at 8 pm. Plan B is not ideal, but necessary.

The key here is to not give yourself an excuse to push to the next day, whenever possible.

Last but not least, NEVER schedule TOO MANY TASKS in a day.

Imagine you are a car. Productivity is your accelerator. Relaxation is your brake.

That’s all for today. Vroom! Vroom! 🙂

📢 If you enjoy this week’s insights, share them with your friends, pleasseeee! 🙂 Tag me @ohhmy.life (IG) so I can appreciate your 💝 too!


📽️ President Obama reconnects with Jacob Philadelphia by Obama Foundation. Blessed to see the true humility of a president. Incredibly powerful!

📽️ Golden State Warriors Are 2022 Western Conference Champions | Full Ceremony Congrats GSW! Go Dub Nation!🏀🏀🏀

📝 # Frighteningly Ambitious Startup Ideas by Paul Graham A very well organized thought process in solving the world’s largest problems.


When was the last time you felt genuinely satisfied when you finished your tasks?

I know the next time is TODAY 😎

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That’s all for this week. Stay awesome and see you next week!

To A Fulfilling Life,