Ohh My Life #001 One Habit That Made Me A Consistent Learner

I’ve been reading for 20 minutes for > 90 days, consecutively. Here's how I did it.

Hello beautiful people! 🤘

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri & Happy Holidays!

and welcome, 6 new friends to the Ohh My Life community! 😇

I’ve been reading for 20 minutes for > 90 days, consecutively.

I’ve been an on-and-off reader since young (much a frequent reader when I was young)until I came across the 5-hour rule. This rule was known widely in the case of Ben Franklin, who constantly set aside time (1 hour a day on every workday) to learn (read for Ben Franklin).

The 5-hour rule is broken into 3 parts: Learn, Reflect, Experiment.

  • Learn → Pick a skill you want to build; i.e. reading, programming, public speaking, etc.

  • Reflect → Think & ask yourself questions on the skill you learnt; i.e. what part am I weaker at? how can I improve? how can I apply this to other field?

  • Experiment → Execute & experiment FAST. Learn from the mistake & improvise (like The Lean Methodology, but yourself as the “product/service”)

Here are my OBSERVATIONS over the past 3 months.

  • I managed to build an “unconscious” habit of reading

  • I tend to read almost at the same time (noon, after lunch)

  • I, sometimes, missed a day or two, but would consciously get back to the reading habit

  • I’m learning, I’m really loving this feeling, really!

Here’s my SUGGESTIONS on how you can get started.

  • Pick a skill you WILL USE SOON OR applicable to current life (so you can experiment and see results)

  • Set SMALL COMMITMENT that you can definitely achieve every day (i.e. read for 20 mins instead of 1 hour)

  • TRACK your daily commitment (sharing the Habit Tracker I built)

  • SET TIME for reflections (mine reflection happens in the morning, so set yours, ideally when you at highest energy level + relaxed)

  • APPLY consciously your learnings to real-life (you’ll be amazed how relatable your learnings is to your life!)

Hope this is helpful for you!

📢 If you enjoy this week’s insights, share it with your friends, pleasseeee! 🙂 Tag me @ohhmy.life (IG) so I can appreciate your 💝 too!

I also built tools to navigate my adulthood life. I'd love to share them with you (link)😉


📝 Article - The 5-Hour Rule Used by Bill Gates, Jack Ma and Elon Musk by Entrepreneur.In case you’re interested to read more about the 5-Hour Rule.

📽️ Video - How I Built A $6.5 Billion App Called Duolingo by CNBC Make It.Very insightful journey on leveraging creativity & intelligence to create positive impacts on community.

🎶 Playlist - Relaxing Music by relaxdaily (on YouTube).My go-to music to focus, relax, and everything in between.

💸 Tax Filing [deadline: 15 May 22]- Tax Filing Guide for 2021 by CompareHero.my.A quick reminder in case you haven’t done so 🙂


What’s the ONE HABIT you can start doing today? Try doing it for 20 MINUTES.

Share your thoughts with me by replying to this email. I love reading your responses, I promise!

Interesting insights will be shared with the community in the next issue.

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Ideas on how can we improve the Ohh My Life community? Reply to this email, love to hear :)

That’s all for this week. Stay awesome and see you next week!

To A Fulfilling Life,Ohh My Life

P.S. Sorry for sending the newsletter late this week. Neck pain has been bothering me for the past week.